Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Essay Prompt #6: Linkage Instituations

Currently, the United States has one of the lowest voter turnout rates in the country. This can be attributed to many variables and demographics. One of which variables is age. The younger the citizens they less likely they are to vote. Young people do not pay attention to politics and do not understand it's impact on their daily lives. Polls show that senior citizens vote far more often then their young counterparts. Another factor that affects voter turnout is your level of education. College graduates are more likely to vote then those didn't regardless of race.

Jury duty is required for those registered to vote, which may have an effect on voter turnout. This is because people don't like jury duty as it takes up a lot of time and they aren't payed for it. Also the extensive process of going to vote, turns many of the politically uninterested voters away.

An example of a linkage institution would be the media. As they inform the citizens about the current state of world politics. Also they connect to citizens many different outlets and opinions, allows citizens to form their own opinions based on the different perspectives.

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