Thursday, January 23, 2014

Essay Prompt #10- Interest Groups

In today's political climate, interest groups play an important role in the governmental system. Interest groups are out to change laws by supporting political candidates, lobbying and more. Political parties are out to raise campaign funds, while pushing their policy agendas and achieving their political goals.

Interest groups support the goals of political parties through donations and media campaigns. With these tools, political party are able to run successful campaigns and the interest groups are able to endorse candidates who support their political agenda.

Through the support to the political parties, the interest groups are allowed more access to the legislation process that they supported. Also with more access, the interest groups have further influence on the legislation.

Essay Prompt #9- Policy Agenda/ Media Coverage

In today's politics, all public official have their own agenda. A political agenda are the issues that attract the serious attention of public officials and other people actually involved in politics at any given point in time.

Through TV and other media ads, officials can broadcast their agenda with their own spin and telling the public exactly what they want to hear. This can range from a news story on the conflict in Syria to the campaign mud-slinging of a presidential election. The news media can take a story and create a general public opinion, the importance of the media in today's political climate cannot be understated.

In the past several decades, the trend has become that young people do not follow world news or politics. While older people continue to regularly follow the world news and what's happening in the world. This trend has continued into present day media.

In today's culture, using the news is a different way for the president to get his point to all voters because young people just don't follow the news. If the president wants to stay relevant to his younger voter, he needs to embrace new technology like email, twitter and Facebook as a way of reaching out to the mass demographic.

Essay Prompt #8- Majority Rule

In the House of Representatives, majority rule is a huge deciding factor in our government's process of establishing legislation. Majority rule allows the majority party to shape the legislation process to their liking and put them laws that they want to see passed. It also majority rule allows the majority to control the flow of a meeting, while prioritizing their own agendas.

The differences between the Senate and the House of Reps. are that the Senate includes two members from every state, while the House is based on population of each state. This differences in how the majority is controlled, because some states have more representatives then others. Also the party majority is different between the two branches of congress.

Legislation can be passed in one branch of congress and not the other because of the checks and balances system and the limiting of majority rule. These systems make it so no one branch of government can make executive decisions solely on their own political agendas. Also it allows the majority rule is be more diverse with multiple people involved in the government's legislation process.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The History of North Korea

 Following World War II, the Japanese occupation ended in Korea. Though at the time Soviet troops still occupying North Korea. Going forward, North Korea become a Communist party and was ruled by a dictator regime. After which North Korea experienced the industrial revolution and grew as a country. Continuing their Communist party leadership.

Jumping ahead, in 1994 North Korean leaders freeze the country's nuclear program. Two years later the country is hit with flooding and major famine follows. Continuing on into present day, North Korea is still facing famine and a lack of electricity. But their program is in action and the country continues to pose a threat to the U.S.

In the past decade North Korea has become a rather crazy power-driven society. People are homeless and starving in the streets, while the country's leaders live very comfortable in their mansions with unlimited amounts of food. The citizens are restricted from viewing foreign information, allowing the government to control what people do and see.

Going forward, I do not see a regime change anytime soon because as Kim Jun Un is a young ruler he will most likely lead until his death. Also North Korea has been operating the current government for decades, making it difficult to change.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Essay Prompt #7- Soft Money

As campaign contributions become exceedingly important, different types of contributions arise along with limits on amounts for most of them. Soft money is one of the types of campaign contributions. Soft money are political contributions earmarked for party-building expenses at the grassroots level or for generic party advertising. A benefit of this method is that soft money is donated to political parties, rather directly to candidates which allows the donor to give as much money as they want to any political party. While this may a benefit, it also is a flaw because the government cannot regulate amounts. This has caused issues and changing the soft money is hotly debated.

Another controversial issue in today is whether or not to raise limits on individual contributions in campaigns. The idea of raising the limits causes concern because it makes it more difficult to track  where the contributions are coming from. Also this brings the legitimacy of the so-called "Super PAC's" into question. Supporters of the raise on limits argue that the raise would allow for candidates to gain more funding and tackle bigger issues in their campaigns.

Citizens United strongly supports the raise of individual campaign contributions as it allows them to fund more campaign that they support. But all while not revealing their identity, so they can fund campaigns by