Thursday, January 23, 2014

Essay Prompt #8- Majority Rule

In the House of Representatives, majority rule is a huge deciding factor in our government's process of establishing legislation. Majority rule allows the majority party to shape the legislation process to their liking and put them laws that they want to see passed. It also majority rule allows the majority to control the flow of a meeting, while prioritizing their own agendas.

The differences between the Senate and the House of Reps. are that the Senate includes two members from every state, while the House is based on population of each state. This differences in how the majority is controlled, because some states have more representatives then others. Also the party majority is different between the two branches of congress.

Legislation can be passed in one branch of congress and not the other because of the checks and balances system and the limiting of majority rule. These systems make it so no one branch of government can make executive decisions solely on their own political agendas. Also it allows the majority rule is be more diverse with multiple people involved in the government's legislation process.

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