Friday, May 9, 2014

Essay 17- Bureaucracy

The merit system is a way of selecting judges in 17 states. The governor appoints the judge from a recommended group of people. Then the appointed judge serves a short term, after which voters determine whether or not the judge will serve a lengthy term.

This ties into the structure of the federal bureaucracy. Which is a structure of authority that uses task specialization while governing other states. The structure of the federal bureaucracy can lead to issues in public policy. As the government controls the distribution of the population's beliefs about politics and policy issues. The president and congress cannot manage everything, this way they are able to delegate to the bureaucracy.

Congress, court systems and interest groups all have powers that can be used to regulate bureaucracy. Congress has the power to impeach executive officials and to reject presidential proposals of bureaucratic appointments. While the court systems can limit bureaucratic practice  with court rulings. Also with judicial review, the courts can declare bureaucratic actions unconstitutional. Lastly interest groups can regulate bureaucracy through litigation and use of the first amendment.

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