Sunday, May 18, 2014

Essay 20- Individualism

In the U.S individuals often look for ways to voice their opinions in our representative democracy. The Bill of Rights has several provisions that allows for citizens to express themselves. One aspect is free speech, as it citizens are free to say almost anything they want under their government. Another example is free of press as citizens are free to read and spread any publication they choose to. Lastly citizens are free to gather together and express political thoughts.

Various interest groups are used differently to influence policy. For example interest groups use grassroots mobilization to gather citizens who can influence a policy decision. Also lobbying is used by interest groups to directly influence policymakers. Lastly litigation is when interest groups use the court systems to influence policymakers through a court case.

Our government is able to regulate the activities of interest groups in several ways. One of which being laws that limit campaign contributions, should makes it illegal for interest groups to produce campaign funding in order to influence a policymaker during an election year. Also laws making bribery illegal make it illegal for policymakers to take bribes from interest groups.

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